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Our School

Aims & Values

Aims of Our School


The Kingsway School community is everyone involved with our school - children, parents, teachers, non-teaching staff, governors and the wider community. We value achievement and recognise that we all have an important part to play in making Kingsway a happy and successful school.
We are an inclusive school and provide a broad and balanced curriculum. We are committed to valuing every pupil, acknowledging their strengths and needs. We work to overcome potential barriers to learning, responding to diverse needs and setting appropriate learning challenges. We strive to provide what all our children deserve: the best possible education. We work together to meet the needs of all our children. We give praise and encouragement and recognise each other's achievements and encourage and welcome the participation of parents/carers in all aspects of school life.

As a school community we work to ensure that our children:

  • Feel safe, happy and enjoy learning
  • Are respected and valued
  • Have access to a wide and varied curriculum
  • Are offered the full range of activities in our school.
  • Enjoy living a healthy lifestyle.
  • Develop skills for life.
  • Achieve their potential


Kingsway KIT

Our Kingsway KIT is the basis for our curriculum development and reflects out school's core aims and values. By embedding this into our curriculum we ensure that our values are at the heart of everything we so. 




British Values

Our Kingsway KIT links to our work on British Values. The values the children learn about and develop are at the core of developing the skills and attitudes needed to contribute to our local, national and global society.