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Wrap Around Care (Halfmoon)

Our breakfast and after school clubs are now well established and continue to run every day. Both clubs are run by existing school staff who know the children, are familiar with our school systems and expectations and are able to arrange suitable activities for the children.

In order to ensure we have the correct staffing and food available we are ask parents to book in advance. Booking is available through Scopay our online payment system. If your child does not already attend and if you want to make a payment online for the first time, call into the school office, send an email to or telephone 01623 408259. A letter will be generated and it has all instructions and a link code so that you can set up.

Scopay is our online payment system for all dinner money, after school club (Halfmoon), trips and residentials are paid through the app.


Breakfast Club

Start time: Drop off 8.00am

Finish time: 8.55am (start of the school day)

Provision: cereals, toast and a drink

Cost: £3.50


After School Club

Start time: 3.30pm

Finish time: pick up  by 4.30pm or pick up by 5.30pm

Provision: snack – sandwich, fruit, yoghurt and a drink

Cost: £3.50 per hour